Sunday, February 26, 2012

Modernism and Post-modernism

On the previous day, modernism is one of the architectural language which define technology and production. It focuses mainly on being machinary and try to eliminate all the ornament and unnecessary color or materials. Being honest and pure are the major purpose of modernism and also try to equalized all the status of people. Everything needs to be the same and in pattern. Breaking rules from the previous historic architecture, modernism considered ornament and freeform as a disgrace for the architecture.

However, introducing to the new style of architecture, Post-modernism is an international style of architecture which totally different from what previous style of architecture, modernt’s approach. It doesn’t concentrate on the similiarity or any machinary feeling where everything has to be the same and well organized in order. In fact, it holes more on to the reality where there’re always differences. For post-modernist, it’s matter on the dependence and freedom for the group of people. It mainly points out on the interest and nature of an individual. While modernist tries to focus on freedom and honesty of architecture and eliminate all symbolism to equalized everything, Post-modernisim looked back into the historical idea and brought back some of the idea applied to this new style. Ornament and color have become part of the decoration in this style of architecture which also bring back symbolism. So it can’t be defined as black or white just like the previous historical record but it’s instead known as the grey idea or logic of the late capitalism.

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